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Exploring the Traits of Mung Bean Plants

Mady Nguyen

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

Green mung beans, scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris, reveal interesting features that contribute to their growth, development, and overall characteristics. Understanding these botanical aspects provides valuable insights into the biology and cultivation of green beans.

Basic information about green beans.

Basic information about green beans.

  • The leaves are compound with 3 leaflets, hairy on both sides.

  • Greenish yellow flowers grow in the leaf axils.

  • The fruit is cylindrical, thin but numerous, containing round slightly oblong seeds, small size, green, yellow flesh, with a germ in the middle.

Botanical characteristics of green beans.

Growth Habit: Green beans are climbing or bushy plants, exhibiting two distinct growth habits. Climbing varieties develop long vines that require support for upward growth, while bush varieties remain compact and do not require support.

Leaves: The leaves of green bean plants are compound, meaning they consist of three leaflets. The leaflets are typically oval-shaped and have a smooth or slightly serrated margin. The leaves play a vital role in photosynthesis, capturing sunlight to produce energy for plant growth.

Flowers: Green beans produce attractive flowers that are essential for reproduction. The flowers are typically white, pink, or purple in color and grow in clusters. They have a unique shape characterized by a banner, wings, and a keel. The flowers serve as the site for pollination and subsequent pod development.

Pollination: Green beans are primarily self-pollinating plants, which means that they have both male and female reproductive organs within the same flower. However, they can also be cross-pollinated by insects, wind, or human intervention.

Pods: The pods of green beans are the edible part of the plant. They are elongated and cylindrical, ranging in color from green to yellow. The pod texture can vary, with some varieties being smooth and others exhibiting slight ridges or bumps. Inside the pods, the seeds (beans) are arranged in a linear pattern.

Seeds: The seeds of green beans are the part used for consumption or propagation. They are generally kidney-shaped or oval and can be various shades of green, yellow, or speckled. The size and shape of the seeds may vary depending on the specific cultivar.

Root System: Green bean plants develop a fibrous root system that spreads horizontally and vertically in the soil. The roots serve to anchor the plant, absorb water and nutrients, and provide support for overall plant health.

Growth Cycle: Green beans follow a relatively short growth cycle. From planting to harvest, the time can range from 50 to 70 days, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. This rapid growth cycle allows for multiple plantings and harvests throughout the growing season.

Adaptability: Green beans are adaptable plants that can thrive in a wide range of climates and soil types. They prefer well-drained soil and require adequate sunlight for optimal growth. Different varieties of green beans have been developed to suit various growing conditions and preferences.

Botanical characteristics of green beans.

Growth and development characteristics of green beans.

Green bean is a short-term food crop with wide adaptability in many different regions and regions, the growth period is only about 65-70 days.

In the Southeast and Central Highlands, green beans can be cultivated in three main seasons: Summer-Autumn (May-August), Autumn-Winter (May-November), Winter-Spring (mid-November to February).

Harvesting Period of Green Mung Beans.

The timing of harvest largely depends on the maturity of the green beans. Green mung beans are typically harvested when the pods have reached full maturity and have started to dry out. The beans inside the pods should be firm, fully developed, and have obtained their characteristic color, which varies depending on the specific variety.

Manual testing can further confirm the readiness of green mung beans for harvest. Farmers can select a few pods from different areas of the field and gently squeeze them between their fingers. If the beans inside the pods feel firm and have attained their full size, it is a good indication that the crop is ready for harvest.

The timing of harvest can vary depending on factors such as the specific variety, climate, and growing conditions. On average, green mung beans are harvested around 70 to 90 days after planting. However, it is important to monitor the visual indicators and perform manual testing to determine the exact timing for each crop.

Harvesting Techniques

Green mung beans can be harvested by hand or using mechanical equipment. For smaller-scale operations, hand harvesting is often preferred. It involves carefully plucking the mature pods from the plants, ensuring that the beans are not damaged in the process. Mechanical harvesting, on the other hand, is suitable for larger-scale operations and utilizes specialized equipment to remove the pods from the plants efficiently.

After harvesting, proper post-harvest handling is crucial to maintain the quality of green mung beans. The harvested pods should be cleaned and sorted to remove any debris or damaged pods. The beans can then be separated from the pods using appropriate methods, such as threshing or shelling. Once the beans are separated, they should be dried thoroughly to reduce moisture content and prevent spoilage.

Harvesting Techniques

By harvesting green mung beans at the right time and employing proper post-harvest techniques, farmers can ensure a high-quality yield. The harvested beans can be further processed, stored, or utilized for various purposes, including culinary uses, seed production, or export. Understanding the ideal harvesting period and implementing effective harvesting practices are key to maximizing the potential of green mung beans as a valuable crop.


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