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Dong Thap province: Aspiration to improve mango's international market position.

Updated: Aug 29, 2023

Dong Thap Province, nestled in the heart of Vietnam, has charted an ambitious course in mango cultivation. With a keen focus on modern agricultural practices and strategic planning, the province is poised to enhance mango production and elevate the livelihoods of its farmers.

Dong Thap province: Aspiration to improve mango's international market position.
Dong Thap province: Aspiration to improve mango's international market position.

Mangoes hold a prominent place as one of the province's five key agricultural sectors, in line with the province's agricultural restructuring plan until 2025, with a vision extending to 2030. Dong Thap is home to approximately 14,399 hectares of mango orchards, yielding nearly 140,000 tons of this delectable fruit annually. Mangoes occupy a substantial 33.7% of the province's total fruit tree acreage, ranking second in the Mekong Delta region in terms of production. The region specializes in cultivating key mango varieties such as Cat Chu, Cat Hoa Loc, and Tuong da xanh, known for their exceptional taste and quality.

Mango Branding and Quality Assurance

Dong Thap's mangoes have gained recognition not only for their taste but also for their brand. "Xoai Cao Lanh," a prominent local mango variety, received intellectual property protection from the National Office of Intellectual Property in 2019. The product also received geographical indication status as "Cao Lanh." This branding has added value to Dong Thap's mangoes in both domestic and international markets.

High-Quality Mango Cultivation

The region boasts over 14,000 hectares of mango orchards with an annual production of more than 150,000 tons, estimated to be worth nearly 2.7 trillion VND. Dong Thap province is recognized for its high-quality mango cultivation. Eight mango producers in the province have achieved OCOP standards, with four of their products achieving a coveted 4-star rating.

Dong Thap Province has strategically allocated its mango cultivation area, with Cat Chu mangoes occupying 60% of the total area and Cat Hoa Loc mangoes covering 30%, primarily concentrated in Cao Lanh district and Cao Lanh city.

In a significant stride toward sustainable agriculture, Dong Thap has embraced Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Currently, 85% of the mango cultivation area adheres to GAP standards. This not only elevates mango quality but also ensures they meet export standards. Mangoes grown under GAP practices yield substantially higher profits, ranging from 50 to 80 million VND per hectare compared to non-GAP mangoes.

Mango farming is predicted to account for 36% of total fruit tree cultivation in Dong Thap province by 2025, according to the Provincial People's Committee (UBND). The province is implementing coordinated scientific and technological methods to the production process, with the goal of increasing farmer incomes by at least 15% each year.

Value Addition through Mango Processing

Mangoes in Dong Thap are not limited to fresh consumption. The province has embraced mango processing to increase value and prolong shelf life. Mango-based products such as mango wine, mango preserves, dried mangoes, and a variety of delectable mango-flavored pastries have gained popularity. Mango processing also plays a critical role in handling by-products, utilizing mango peels and seeds for animal feed and fertilizer production. This approach has fostered circular economic models within the mango processing sector.

Value Addition through Mango Processing
Value Addition through Mango Processing

Tapping into Export Markets

Dong Thap's mangoes do not just grace local markets; they also embark on international journeys. Mangoes from the province are directly supplied and exported to various countries, including the European Union, the United States, Australia, the Russian Federation, Japan, China, and South Korea. This international market presence demonstrates Dong Thap's commitment to expanding its reach and diversifying its revenue streams.

Dong Thap's journey in mango cultivation and processing showcases the province's commitment to innovation, quality, and international market integration. With its strategic approach to branding, quality assurance, and value addition through processing, Dong Thap is well-positioned to ride the market trends and elevate its mango industry to even greater heights. The province's aspiration to improve its mango's international market position is not just a dream; it's a reality in the making, setting a remarkable example for the agricultural sector in Vietnam and beyond.

Tapping into the Export Markets of Dong Thap Mango
Tapping into the Export Markets of Dong Thap Mango

To encourage exports, the province has assigned geographical region codes to 11,000 hectares of mangoes. Twenty percent of fresh mango goods exceed VietGAP requirements, while organic farming accounts for 2% of mango agricultural area (293 hectares). There are also plans to invest in new mango processing factories with a capacity of 30,000 tons per year.

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