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Cabbages in Vietnam - Exploring the origin, classification, and the benefits they bring

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Cabbages (or Brassica oleracea Capitata group) or pot cabbage is a staple vegetable in the cruciferous family (also known as the Brassicaceae/Cruciferae family), arising from the Mediterranean region. From their humble beginnings to their significant presence in cuisines worldwide and in Vietnam, cabbages have captivated both culinary enthusiasts and health-conscious individuals alike. Let's explore with Agroviet throughout the article below.

Cabbages - Exploring the origin, classification, and the benefits they bring
Cabbages - Exploring the origin, classification, and the benefits they bring

What is Cabbage? - The Origins of Cabbages in Vietnam.

Cabbages have a fascinating history, with their origins believed to trace back to Europe and the Mediterranean region. From their wild ancestors, ancient civilizations began cultivating and selecting cabbage varieties with desirable traits, leading to the development of the cabbages we know today. Cabbage has a high leaf area index, a very high water use coefficient, but has a well-developed root system that is more drought and water tolerant than kohlrabi and cauliflower.

In Vietnam.

Cabbages is grown in the winter-spring crop in the northern, central and Central Highlands provinces. Cabbage belongs to the group of vegetables of temperate origin, the verbalization temperature (the temperature required to differentiate flower sprouts) is 1-10 °C in about 15-30 days depending on the growth time of the variety.

Plant Characteristics of Cabbages.

Plant Characteristics of Cabbages.

Cabbage plants are herbaceous biennials, meaning they complete their life cycle over two years. In the first year, cabbage plants form a compact head of overlapping leaves. This head is the edible portion of the vegetable that is harvested for consumption. If left un-harvested, the plant will continue to grow and produce flowers and seeds in the second year.

Cabbages has a high leaf area index, a very large coefficient of water use, and a well-developed root cluster. Especially in cabbage, the ability to recover leaves is quite high. Experiments showed that, when cutting 25% of the leaf surface area in the pre-rolling stage, the yield still reached 97-98% compared to no cutting. This confirms that the spraying of insecticides with insecticides is not necessary in many cases.

Cabbage Plant.

Cabbages is a herbaceous plant with a sturdy, thick stem that bears the scars of fallen leaves. The leaves are arranged in overlapping layers, forming a compact head. They are typically pale green or bluish-green and have a thin wax coating. Some cabbage varieties have broad leaves with a large central vein, creating a wavy appearance.

Cabbage Flower

In the plant's second year, it enters the flowering stage. At the top of the cabbage plant, a tall flower stalk emerges. The flowers are yellow and have four petals. They form in clusters at the tip of the stalk, attracting pollinators such as bees and butterflies. The flowers develop into seed pods containing the cabbage plant's seeds.

Plant Characteristics of Cabbages.

Cabbage Head

The cabbage head, also known as the cabbage "heart," is the edible part of the plant. It is formed by the tightly packed overlapping leaves at the center. The size and shape of the cabbage head vary depending on the variety. It is firm and compact, providing protection to the inner leaves.

Cabbage Seeds

Cabbage produces seeds within elongated seed pods. The pods are approximately 10 cm long and divided into two compartments. Inside the pods, small seeds measuring around 1.5 mm can be found. These seeds are the means of reproducing and growing new cabbage plants.

Cabbage Root

Cabbage has a clustered root system that develops strongly. The roots anchor the plant in the soil and absorb water and nutrients necessary for its growth and development. A healthy root system contributes to the overall vitality and productivity of the cabbage plant.

Provinces with Significant Cabbages Cultivation in Vietnam.

The provinces that grow a lot of cabbage in Vietnam include: Lam Dong, Hanoi, Hai Phong, Hai Duong, Hung Yen...

  • Cabbage area: 29,200 ha/year (2010) (*)

  • Cabbage output: 676,300 tons/year (2010) (*)

(*) Data from the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, 2010

Top 4 most popular types of cabbages today.
Top 4 most popular types of cabbages today.

Cabbage, a versatile and nutritious vegetable, comes in various types and varieties, each with its unique characteristics and culinary uses. Currently on the market there are many different types of cabbage that can be mentioned such as: Green cabbage, purple cabbage, curly cabbage, tiny cabbage, cabbage, ... However due to a number of reasons such as: Nutritional composition, uses, and needs that some of the following types of cabbage are more popular.

These four types of cabbage are widely available in super-markets and grocery stores, making them accessible for culinary enthusiasts and home cooks. Each variety offers its own distinct flavor, texture, and culinary versatility, allowing for a wide range of delicious and creative dishes to be prepared with cabbage as the star ingredient.

Whether you're enjoying the classic crunch of green cabbage, the vibrant color of red cabbage, the delicate leaves of savoy cabbage, or the crispness, incorporating cabbage into your meals adds not only nutrition but also a delightful taste to your culinary creations.

Incorporating Cabbage into a Nutrient-Dense Diet.
Incorporating Cabbage into a Nutrient-Dense Diet.

Cabbage is rich in vitamin C (44%) and vitamin K (72%). Cabbage also contains moderate amounts (10-19%) of vitamin B6 and B9 (folic acid aka folate).

Pay attention to your body's response to cabbage. While it is generally well-tolerated, some individuals may experience gas or bloating due to cabbage high fiber content. If you have any specific dietary concerns or sensitivities, consult with a healthcare professional.

Cabbage, with its rich history and diverse varieties, has evolved into a beloved vegetable enjoyed worldwide. From its wild ancestor to the cultivated forms we have today, cabbage has been cultivated and appreciated for its nutritional value, versatility in cooking, and ability to withstand different climates. Whether used in salads, stir-fries, soups, or pickled preparations, cabbage continues to be a staple in many cuisines. So the next time you enjoy a crisp and flavorful bite of cabbage, take a moment to appreciate its ancient origins and the journey it has undertaken throughout history.


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